Sunday 10 September 2017

Daily Devotions 8th Sept 2017

Psalm 30: 5Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

David who wrote most of the psalms has been very poignant when he wrote. He had a lifelong experience of ups and downs, good times as well as bad.

In this psalm he recollected his pains and the feeling of loss. There was great pain in his heart and he had endured suffering for some time but the difference was though he had to go through all these, he never gave up hope in God. In this verse David wrote in his lamentation that surely weeping may stay for the night but breakthrough or rejoicing will come in the morning.

David put his trust in God and though what he saw was not encouraging but his faith in God tells him that God will grant him a breakthrough in granting the answer to his prayers.

These psalms of David reveal that he was just an ordinary man like us but he had an extraordinary faith in God that touched the heart of God and his prayers moved the hand of God.

Through prayers David poured out all his troubles which were quite significant as compared to us. Imagine he was pursued by his father in law the king and for many years this persecution continued and David had to constantly change his hiding place. He ran into the wilderness of Judea and the scriptures tell us that he spend considerable time at En Gedi which is on the side of the Dead Sea. From Jerusalem to En Gedi, there is the vast Negev desert.

The temperature is extremely hot and the terrain is mountainous and there were no proper roads as it is now. David had to flee on foot as his small party of loyal bodyguards escorted him in his escape. They had to hide in the caves of the mountains which we can see today as we ride along the shore line of the Dead Sea today.

The mountain sides are barren and rocky, it was very dangerous to travel on but David and his body guards had to do it and sometimes even when his persecutors were chasing them close behind.

It was during one of these occasions as he rested in one of the caves that David wrote many of the psalms and this is one of them where he lamented of his woes but he proclaims that God will deliver him the next morning.

We too can take comfort in this as when we at times are also faced with great difficulties and problems, I believe that none of us would have experience greater problems and difficulties than David.

Our God is still the same and as He has delivered David, He will also hear our prayers and deliver us.

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