Monday 25 September 2017

Daily Devotions 24th Sept 2017

Gen 12: 8From there he went on towards the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent

Abraham was a man of faith, he responded to God’s call even when he was advanced in age. He was comfortably settled in Haran and when God called him to move into a new country he immediately responded by gathering all his possessions and together with Lot his nephew and his possessions both groups migrated westward to Canaan.

It was a journey of obedience and faith, in total submission Abraham went where God had instructed him to go. For this act of obedience, he was accredited with faith for his obedience.

His actions have caused him to be remembered for all history and his name recorded for all men to remember.

God is looking for men and women of obedience which always bring blessing. In fact the scriptures tell us over and over that God hates disobedience which is also rebellion. With disobedience comes judgement and punishment.  

The most prominent lesson to learn from disobedience is that of King Saul, he disobeyed the commandments of God and he was removed as king, the throne passed over t David who was not his son. There were many other instances recorded in the bible about the disobedience of God’s servants and after a period of grace which God normally gives for the person to repent, He will finally pass his judgement and sentence.

These remind us that we must never fall into the temptation of disobedience. The result would be the judgement from God that would befall everyone who disobeys. This must be ingrained in all of us so that we may be blessed instead of being judged and receive the wrath of God.

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