Friday 22 September 2017

Eph 6: 18Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

In this verse Paul encourages the believers to pray on all occasions with all kinds of prayers particularly praying in tongues. Praying in the Spirit means to pray in the spiritual language given to us by the Holy Spirit.

When we pray in the Spirit we surrender our prayer life to the Holy Spirit. Our mind is not fruitful as we would not be thinking about what to pray or how to pray. Paul knew the importance of praying in the spirit and he demonstrated it by praying all the time in tongues. That is why he said that he prayed in tongues more than anyone else. He did it primarily to strengthen his inner man and to build on the anointing that he carried. Secondly he set an example for us to follow.

A good teacher must be a good practitioner of what he teaches. Just as a good chef is a good instructor to teach his students the culinary skills. Similarly a good doctor would also be a good medical teacher. He needs to teach from knowledge and experience.

Similarly, for those of us who wants to be teachers, first we need to build a good practice of the skills we are to teach. Secondly we need to be effective in the skills. It is not head knowledge that we are promoting but the real practical skills in ministries. This is why the apostles are all good teaches as they are also excellent practitioners. They not only talk but they walk their talk.

Paul also said that if it is all talk without works, then these teachers would only be as sounding gongs without substance.

Therefore we as minsters must be proof producers for what we practice and teach.

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