Tuesday 26 September 2017

Daily Devotions 27Th Sept 2017

Col 3: 14Over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity

In the earlier two verses, Paul states “As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience,,,,,Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Paul is teaching the believers in Colossae which was a textile centre which produced and market fine and expensive cloaks. This was a capital of textile industry and the people are rich because many are skilled in this trade.

In fact Colossae is the producer of high end clothing that is distributed through the whole civilized region. Kings and nobles would buy and use the clothing from here.

Paul using the terminology and language that the people understand most made an analogy of the fruit of the spirit or godly characteristics that all believers must possess. He compares godly traits as some kind of garment that we should put on. Paul is here saying that our lives must be dressed in the godly attributes or traits that would demonstrate our Christian character.

Paul is saying that when we have the character of Christ we would be able to overcome all the attacks that come against us from the enemies. When we are faced with hostility and criticism, we can respond with patience, forgiveness and love. With these as the anchor in our lives, we would be able to face and overcome all the storms of live that will come against us.

As ministers of God, we can be assured that such attacks will come upon us by the enemy. However, when we have all the fruit of the Sprit and together with love, we would be able to withstand and overcome all the attacks. Therefore let us put on the spiritual armour and also to inculcate the fruit of the Spirit ib our lives.

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