Sunday 10 September 2017

Daily devotions 10th Sept 2017

2 Cor 3: 2
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone.

Paul reminds us that we are the letters of Christ for men to read our hearts and life.

Recently I went to do a house visitation where there was a spiritual need and the lady of the house was narrating how till today she has refrain from becoming a believer because of the very bad behavior and testimonies of her close relatives who are supposed to be Christians but whose lifestyle are far from being so.

Paul reminds us that we are the living testimonies of Jesus Christ, who we are and what we are is determined by our lifestyle. Do we bear the fruit of the Spirit; do we have the testimony of Christ in our lives?  Do we live like Christ, do what He did and are we an agent of influence and change to those around us.

Non-believers do not read the bible and they do not know our Saviour Jesus. They see us, they know us but do they see Jesus in us? Are we truly living testimonies of what we believe in?

Paul says that our hearts and lives are the living proof of what we believe in. Do others see the love of Christ in our lives? Do we have the same love and compassion of Christ that when we are around the non-believers, would they be attracted to our Saviour because they see something different in us?

Perhaps it is time for us to consciously live like Jesus, talk like Jesus and do everything like Jesus so that others will see the proof of Jesus in our lives.
Let us be doers of the word and not just speakers only. Let us walk the talk for Jesus.

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