Tuesday 19 September 2017

Daily Devotions 20th Spet 2017

Eccl 4: 9-10
Two are better than one… if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

King Solomon, the wisest man who lived continues to teach that in life, we cannot be alone. This is more so especially in our spiritual walk and ministry. We need a companion, Jesus demonstrated this when He send out the disciples in pairs. Firstly it is for companionship; secondly each can help and support one another.

I have seen of people who said that they can do everything alone and even better than others. This speaks of pride in the person and very soon we will see that such a man will suffer setbacks and failure firstly because there is a lack of accountability. Secondly he will fail to see his own weaknesses and short coming.

If we see the most successful minsters globally, they have team support, there are others who are walking with them and moving with them. There is team work and some of the team members will look after the needs of the rest. This is also what the apostles did; they instructed that teams be set up to look after the day to day administration of the church whereas they would devote their time to prayer and the teaching of the word.

Ministry is definitely teamwork and Solomon with wisdom of God taught that no single person going about doing the Lord’s work should be doing it alone. They need to have partnership.

This is more so when anyone is in spiritual warfare, they must always have a partner who is in support in prayer. When in spiritual warfare the leader is actively in leadership, the partner must also be actively in prayer supporting the leader. Then when one is tired, the other can take over. It is also to watch out for any sneak attack that may come from the enemy.

This is what Solomon said, when either falls, the other can help to lift the other up again.

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