Saturday 2 September 2017

Daily Devotions 2nd Sept .2017

Heb 12: 1Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses …let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Christian ministry is like a marathon in life, it is a long race and there are many obstacles along the way. Many have started well but have failed to finish. From the scriptures we read of the many accounts where we have seen many mighty men of God who had to fight the good fight and at the most critical point they are helped and supported by others.

Moses was a clear case when the Israelites went to battle and he stood on top of the mountain giving his spiritual covering over the battle. When his arms were raised the Israelites were winning but when his arms grew tired and was lowered then the Israelites lost.

Eventually Aaron and Hur came to his support and lifted up both his arms throughout the day and the battle was won. We too who are in ministry need our Aaron and Hur, we cannot be a lone ranger.

Many years ago one of my good friends told me that I would need an armour bearer to help me in my ministry. Later on I also learned from another minister from Brisbane that it is very biblical that every man of God must mentor their own spiritual armour bearer who would be their support throughout their ministry.

We are not meant to be solo players, we need others prayer support as well as material and emotional support. If we have not established our armour bearers to come along side us, in order to continue and sustain we would need to find such support around us.

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