Tuesday 26 September 2017

Daily Devotions 26th Sept 2017

2 Kings 4:6When all the jars were full…the oil stopped flowing.

This is the account of God’s mercies to the widow who was in financial distress. Her debtors were coming to take her children to be sold into slavery and she came to look for help from the prophet Elisha.

He asked her to borrow all the jars that she can get from her neighbours and then he instructed her to take the small bottle of oil that she had and asked her to begin filling up all the jars. When all the jars were full, then the oil from her own bottle stopped flowing.

What we learn from today’s scripture is that God is our provider. He is Jehovah Jireh who provides for all our needs. Today we continue to see such miracles, God is not a God of yesterday but He is the same today and forever.

We have been into mission fields where we have actually seen and experienced God’s provision. There was an instance where we were travelling from the city to another smaller town far away. The journey was over three hours and there were no villages or shops all along the way, it was either jungle of farms.

All along the way I saw that the fuel tank needle was sitting at empty, I was sitting beside the driver but I did not mention this to the driver. We literally drove on an empty tank for well over one hundred miles and the driver was travelling at high speed. When we finally reached the small town where we were going to minister to the villagers, only then I asked the drive about the empty tank.

Then the vehicle stopped. Truly God is our provider and He allowed us to travel on supernatural fuel. There are also other instances which we have witnessed.

On other occasions, God had multiplied the food for the feeding of larger group of people with just one cup of rice.

A group had been up on the prayer mountain for a month and it was the last day when they were preparing to come down. The cook prepared the last meal to eat before they start their trek down the mountain. Just then another group of prayer warriors arrived from downhill and they were invited to join the meal by the leader who did not know that there was just some rice cooked from the last cup.

The final result was that two groups of hungry people ate and were full from the small meal that was cooked from one cup of rice. In all there were around 40 people who ate. This was a real miracle of providence from God.

Indeed our God is still a miracle working God and all that we need s to continue to believe in Him and to pit our trust in Him. He is the one and only true God of the whole world.

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