Thursday 14 September 2017

Daily Devotions 14th Sept 2017

Judges 21: 25In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.

After the death of Moses and Joshua who finally led them into the Promised Land, the new generation of Israelite forgot what God had done for them and they had rejected godly leadership. Everyone did what they saw fit; they made their own policies and did what they like.

Then God raised up judges who led the Israelite with the same authority as kings. They had the power to make decisions and to set directions for the people. When each judge died, the Israelite forgot about God and drifted further and further from God.

Today God has send Jesus Christ who came as our Saviour and also as our King. He is also our judge as the scriptures tell us that on that day of judgement, Jesus will be the judge who will judge over all mankind. Everyone will have to stand before Jesus and give an account of our lives to Jesus. Whatever we do and whatever we said will be judged.

Knowing this then, we must live worthy of our calling and remain faithful to Jesus so that we can secure our salvation. Each and every one must repent of our sins and to set our lives right with Jesus.

Today as we see the world events unfold and as we witness the numerous signs and events that are prophesied before the return of Jesus, let us continue to remain obedient to Jesus and to live righteously for Him.

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