Tuesday 12 September 2017

Daily Devotions 11th Sept 2017

John 1: 14The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us

In the Gospel of John he dealt with the divinity of Jesus Christ right from the first verse which declared that Jesus is part of the Trinity as being the second person in it. John also declared that the whole creation was done by Jesus as He is the living word of the Godhead.

Jesus is the word and He is also the person who spoke the word of creation. All creation was spoken into being by Jesus. He is also the authoritative word of God, some other part of scriptures narrate that He is the living Word.

In verse 14 here John explained that the authoritative word of the Trinity steps down from His divinity and He became flesh just as a normal man. In this form, Jesus had to come in the flesh as a helpless infant; He had to go through the normal process of human life. This meant that He would have suffered needs of hunger, cold, discomfort just like any other man.

From His previous position as the second person in the Trinity, He stepped down temporarily from His divinity so that He can experience what all men experience and He could then show us the way to overcome and conquer all challenges that we would face in the flesh. He taught and showed the way to overcome temptations, take authority over the forces of darkness with the power of His name and the power of the blood that He shed for us.

Jesus’ sole purpose of coming in the flesh and to live powerlessly in the flesh so that we too in the flesh as man can follow His steps and do what He had done. Jesus said in Matthew 16: 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

This is possible after Jesus had come and demonstrated how He did it and taught us how to do it now. On top of that He had sent the Holy Spirit to us so as to empower us to work the works of miracles. Though we are still ordinary men in the flesh but now we have the empowering or the anointing of the Holy Spirit who enables us to do the miraculous works as He chose.

Today, we are seeing increasingly the equipping and empowering of more and more servants of God who are performing great miracles in the name of Jesus.

This was the purpose of Jesus’ coming so that He can raise up men and women who are able to do the works that He did. Praise the Lord that we have this privilege and power to do His works. 

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