Sunday 10 September 2017

Daily Devotions 9th Sept 2017

John 14: 8Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

Christianity is a journey of faith, many of us have received Jesus as our saviour without having seen Him and we have also never seen God. Our faith is based upon what we read in scriptures which are God breathe and given to holy men who have recorded it for our edification and learning.

Understand that during the time of Jesus, the people were mostly uneducated and were illiterate. Many would not be able to read and there were not so many literature or books at that time. All that they believe were transmitted through word of mouth, and for them at that time they were privileged to be with Jesus and saw the miracles that He did.

In their own simple mind set, they asked a legitimate question which was ‘show us the Father God.’ To this Jesus answered, that those who know Him will know the Father as the Son always look like the father and has the DNA of the Father.

Jesus said, if you know me, then you will now the Father. Jesus is confirming that the character and features of Jesus is a close image of the Father. Therefore when we draw near to Jesus we would be drawing close to God.

Therefore we are so blessed that since we have the privilege to get to now Jesus intimately, then we in like manner would be able to get to know our Father God intimately.

Whatever and whenever we ask Jesus in prayer, the Father will hear us through His Son. That is the assurance that Jesus had given to us, that whatever we ask according to His will and in His name, our Father God will answer.

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