Wednesday 7 June 2017

1 John 4:9This is how God showed his love .... He sent his one and only Son into the world.

Those of us with little children or grandchildren would be able to understand the deep love that we have for them. From the day they were born till they become adults; we would love and continue to do all sorts of things for them. This is because of that bond that is inborn in us.

The loving characteristics of God have been transferred to us. We have this natural ability to love and care for our children and grandchildren. This is one of God’s ways to show us what and who He is. The scriptures tell us clearly that God is love and Jesus also clearly told us this in John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His Son...”  

In today’s text, the apostle John reminded us of this truth when he wrote, ‘This is how God showed his love .... He sent his one and only Son into the world.’ 

God is also our heavenly Father and He is longing and waiting to hear us call to Him. Just as we delight in hearing the little ones talk to us even though they may not have the vocabulary and they are unable to format proper sentences, we just love to hear their voices and have that interaction.

This tells us that our Father in heaven is also waiting for us to talk to Him, He understands our limitations but He is waiting as He enjoys the interaction with us. Like all the saints of old who knew this truth and they have shown to us the way to reach God’s heart, it is now easy for us.

The path has been laid by these men of God and by Jesus; all we have to do to secure this relationship with God is to walk in this path and to do it unceasingly.

Let us not be negligent or lazy with spending our choicest time with God. He is our Father and we must love our Father and communicate with Him.

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