Saturday 24 June 2017

Roms 12: 5-6
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

Paul reminds us that in the body we are many and diverse; we have our different gifting and functions. Each of us are different but yet we belong to the same body and in our diversities we complement each other.

The gifts of the Spirit are given individually and separately for the purpose of edifying the body. These gifts are like prophecy, evangelism, teaching, leadership, giving, mercy and others. Each complement and supplement the other and together they make up the body and meet the body’s needs.

Paul said in 1 Cor 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit for all. The gifts are not given for personal benefit or profit but they are given so that the whole body can be blessed.

No matter whom we are and what we are blessed with, we need to honor one another about ourselves and work in co-operation for the good of the body and not to have competition.

Consider that we are many parts in a machine, if just one little part does not function and work in co-operation with other parts, then the whole machine is malfunction and will be non-functional. This si just a simple comparison but the fact is as a body of Christ and if only just one member do not cooperate then the whole body will not function well and have much difficulties and problems.

Let us understand that we are indeed the body of Christ and no single member is a solo member, we are all united, joined and linked together so that we can function together.

Let us surrender ourselves as members of the local body and determine to co-operate so that the local body will be strong and effective.

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