Thursday 8 June 2017

Psalm 47:6Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises.

The psalmist who wrote this psalm is already enjoying the personal relationship with God on a daily basis where he is continually praising and worshiping God. His life is engrossed in praising and worshiping God all the time.

We can imagine that he is a worshiper and there is constant praises upon his lips throughout the day. It is a natural thing for him to worship God and he is telling others around him to do the same. In today’s text we see the psalmist encouraging all believers to sing praise to God and to offer worship to Him.

Praising and worshiping God is our privilege and honor. Only people who know our God can worship Him, non-believers who do not know God personally cannot come and worship God. They do not have a personal understanding of who God is. Only we who have received Jesus Christ as our Savior will know the way to reach out to God.

Since we are His children and we have the free access to Him at any time, then it is our responsibility to seek Him and worship Him. Paul knew that this is our requirement and he also teaches us in Eph 5:19  Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 

There is power in praise and worship, the bible tells us that God in the past had taught His people to march into battle not with sword and spears but with worship. In the battle for the city of Jericho, God asked that the Levites march around the city with their shofars and worship God each day for seven days. On the seventh day they were to march and shot to God and we read that God brought the walls of Jericho down and gave victory to the Israelite. 

Similarly when king Jehoshaphat went out to battle against his enemies, God gave instructions that the priests are to go ahead and praise and worship God along the way. The priest sang hymns and played music in honor and worship to God and as they march into the battle field, God caused the enemy camp to be confused and they fought and killed each other.

King Jehoshaphat and the army of Israel did not have to do any fighting. There is power in praise and worship. We also know that when we enter into spiritual warfare, we need to worship as well and as we do that the enemies would be defeated. The demons will have to flee, this we have seen and experienced as we do spiritual warfare.

Therefore the people of God must learn to be dedicated and committed worshipers. If we want to see breakthrough and victory in our own spiritual walk with God, we first must build our prayer life and worship God habitually. 

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