Sunday 11 June 2017

2 Chrons 6 :13-14
Solomon knelt in front of the entire community of Israel and lifted his hands toward heaven and he prayed.

This verse described the posture which Solomon took when he led the nation of Israel to dedicate the temple to God. They had spent many years to build it and God had promised that He would come and dwell in it and be among them. The posture for prayer is not as important as the attitude of our hearts.

The posture is to enable us to fully concentrate and focus on worshiping God. Like Solomon who went on his knees, this kept him lowly and disabled him to move about and when he stretched out his hands towards heaven, it is a posture of total surrender to God. This posture of humility helps us to concentrate on our worship.

Though this is important, our attitude and total surrender of our hearts during worship is more important. Our hearts must be believing in everything that we seek God for, our praises and worship must be pure and sincere. When we sing or when we praise God, every word must be genuine and we must mean it.

Our prayers, our heart and our mind cannot be out of focus. We cannot and must not be praying with our lips but in our heart and mind they are distracted by other thoughts. Imagine when we have a conversation with a customer or our boss; we will be fully focused on every word that we speak would be clear and committed.

If we can do this with man, how much more we must do the same with God. This is what scriptures tell us, “We must love our God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind.” Worship must be total concentration and commitment of our body, soul and spirit. This is what God desires from us and it is our duty to dedicate our all to Him.

We must surrender our all to God every time and at all times.

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