Wednesday 14 June 2017

Job 37:16
Do you know how the clouds hang poised?

We are in the midst of winter in the southern hemisphere and just this morning as we were preparing to get ready to leave the house we saw wisp of water vapour flying pass and rising in the air. This was the phenomenon of water vapour that was rising to the sky. Ordinarily we would not have seen this with the naked eye but because the weather was so cold, we could just see a wonder of nature occurring before our eyes.

The writer of the book of Job asked, do you know how clouds are formed and hung in the sky. In ancient times, the knowledge of the people were limited and they could not understand the working of the evaporation process which sends up water vapour to the sky forming the different types of clouds.

Today with science discovery, we know how this works. However the wonder is how God put all these into His creation that through this cycle, God provides rain to fall from the vapour that has risen to form clouds and when they have become dense, the vapour will principate and fall to the earth as rain, watering the soil and providing life to both plants and animal life.

This is the miracle of God that what He had created millions of years ago has never changed and is still working in perfection. This speaks to us about the perfect God who is unchangeable. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His words are eternal and His promises are also eternal.

The plan of salvation that He had given to all men is perfect, there is not prequalification that men need to prepare. All that is neededis that man repent from their sins and accept His Son Jesus to be his Lord and Saviour, then the repentant man will receive forgiveness and eternal life.

God had made it so simple; all that man has to do is to respond to His invitation to accept His Son as their saviour.

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