Saturday 3 June 2017

Provs 20: 6
Many proclaim themselves loyal, but who can find one worthy of trust?

King Solomon who had the gift of wisdom given to him by God knew the weaknesses in the hearts of men. He proclaims that many people declare that they are faithful and loyal but the truth is there is no one who is 100 percent so. He said that there is not one person standing who can declare that he is truly able to be faithful all the time.

To be faithful to someone, there must be the true love that would motivate and keep us in a faithful relationship. To a certain extent this may be possible but eventually this faithfulness will wane and would fail. Even the great apostle Peter who loved the Lord so much and at one point declare that he would be willing to die for His master, he failed miserably.

Jesus reply to Peter was that he would indeed die for Jesus but that very night itself, Jesus prophesied that Peter would deny Him three times even before the cock crows at dawn. Jesus knew the weakness of all men; He did not want to discourage Peter except to remind him of his human weakness.

The truth is for anyone to remain faithful one must develop a strong sense of love and this was what Jesus taught the disciples that they must first build their love towards one another so that the world my know that they wold love one another and in turn their commitment to each other will be strong and thereby building their faithfulness to each other.

In John 13: 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. The church today has been encouraged to first build their love for one another; this would in turn build unity and faithfulness. This is what Jesus taught the Church. The same was also taught by the apostles in the subsequent writings in the epistles.

This is now the doctrine that has been handed down from the apostles to the churches and we must take heed to learn and grow in it.

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