Wednesday 21 June 2017

Psalm 147: 11
The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

The psalmist reminds us that as children of God we have our duty to love and fear Him. This fear is reverence and not the same fear as we would describe the sense of fear of danger or evil. God knows each of us by name; He knows our heart and our whole being. He knows what we do and what we even think.

There is nothing that we can hide from God for He is the omniscience God who knows the very thoughts of men and also the very intents in their hearts. He is the almighty who even knew us from the beginning of time and He ordains our salvation. Therefore since He first loved us and He saved us through His Son, Jesus Christ, He has done all these for us and now He only wants us to put our unfailing love in Him.

He delights in our interaction with Him in prayer and worship. There is nothing more that God loves than to interact with His children. Remember that when God created the first man and first woman, God would come down and have His personal interaction with them. It was always God’s intention to fellowship with His children.

But sin has cause men to be separated in guilt from God. When the first man and woman sinned, they were afraid because they knew that they have sinned and they purposely hid from God. They could not face God in their guilt and therefore they were withdrawn from God.

This is the same with believers today, when we slip into sin, the accuser of the brethren who is Satan will put the sense of guilt and condemnation in us so that we would be fearful of god and withdraw from His presence. In truth, God will forgive us if we come before him in repentance. He will surely forgive us and grant us our relationship with Him so that we can continue to rejoice in Him and interact with Him.

Let us secure our position in God by coming each day in repentance and worship as we draw near to Him, God promises that He will draw near to us.

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