Thursday 15 June 2017

Eph 4: 3
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

In recent times, I have experienced how we can be betrayed by even those who are supposed to be closed to us and who are supposed to work alongside us. This has also been the experience of many other servants of God who had labored much in the gospel field.

Recently I read that as we put on the nature of the lamb as we go about doing the work of God, the wolves will come and attack us. These wolves are the servants of Satan who camouflage as children of God, they look like one, talk like one but in their hearts they are not. Their hearts are full of deceit and cunning.

They are full of jealousy and anger because they are generally not in the top of the hierarchy and are impatient to rise up and take over. Therefore they resort to all kinds of scheming and unlawful tactics to undermine those who are rightfully in leadership and position of power. I speak of the Church culture and this is irrespective of race, nationality or social standing.

Everywhere we see this evil and this is the common weapon of the devil to split and divide. It is also sad to read in the media of strife and struggle in the nations between political parties each trying to stab the others’ back. This is because of greed and power struggle.   Throughout history we have seen this right across the world and it cuts across religious and cultural backgrounds.

In fact the more religious groups are also committing all kinds of evil and malicious acts to outdo one another. The trouble we see in the Middle East where there is so much of strife among the religious nations of the same culture tells us how the personal greed of so call religious leaders are scheming and killing hundreds of thousands innocent people just because they want to achieve their selfish agenda.

Nearer to home, we see the number one family in our neighbouring country openly fighting among the siblings over family feuds. Their family linen is being washed in the public bringing such pain and sorrow not only to the family but also the nation. The social media is full of the accusations and counter accusations from the family members.

All these are unnecessary as Paul says. Unity and love and peace is the hall mark of Christianity. Paul in his writing to the Church appeals that we must ‘Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.’ If it is within our capability to do so, let us make that effort to keep the peace, let us reach out and mend the breach and reconstruct the bridges that have been broken.

After all God first reconciled to us when we were yet sinners and He send His son to die on the cross for us so that our estrangement from Him can be restored and we can come back to Him and become His child once more. We are like the ‘prodigal son’ who have left the home of our Father in heaven and He is waiting patiently for us to return to Him.

Let us respond and make peace with both God and men.

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