Wednesday 21 June 2017

1 Thess 5: 11
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

The Paul who wrote this letter to the Thessalonian Church was different to the Paul who met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. At that time Paul was a notorious gangster and persecutor of Christians. He went into homes and churches to arrest believers and imprisoned them. He was also notorious for leading the persecution of the believers.

Now the Paul who writes to the Churches is a different person, He had a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, and he has been completely transformed into a meek and righteous man. In fact Jesus Christ had personally selected him as a special vessel to bring the gospel to the gentiles.

Paul reminded the believers in verse 10, ‘Christ died for us, so that we could live with him, whether we are alive or dead when he comes’
In verse 11 ‘That's why you must encourage and help each other, just as you are already doing.’

What had happened to him personally, he now relates it to the believers. Paul had become a merciful and passionate worker for Jesus Christ and now he appeals to all to also become encouragers just like him and also be able to help each other as all the apostles are doing.

This appeal is also relevant for the Church today, as we see that many are suffering persecution and danger throughout the world, we need to stand with and strengthen the persecuted believers in many troubled areas in the world. In many counties especially where the antichrist spirit is at work, we see that believers are challenged and many have even paid the supreme price of martyrdom.

When we study the bible, we should not be alarmed but instead be prepared and ready to face the days of tribulation ahead and also be ready even to the point of martyrdom, this has been ordained in the scriptures for the believers.

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