Monday 26 June 2017

Gen 1: 31
Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good.

Here is the account of the creation and after the process of the creation of the world, God then went on to create the first man and women and when he had completed that He said that it was very good.

In this account we read that God was very pleased with His work of creation. It seemed that God took great joy in the very act of creation. Perhaps He saw that man was created in His own image and He delighted in seeing His own children.

We can understand the fatherly love for His children as now many of us also have children and grandchildren. This love is the DNA passed on to us from God who is our heavenly Father. His attribute of love is inborn in us and we can love without being taught. This is the natural instinct of goodness that God has put into all His creations.

I saw a short video of a family of elephants in a zoo and one little elephant fell into the mud pool and was too young and weak to make its way out of the mud pool. Immediately the parent elephants rushed to the rescue of their little baby. Even the animals which are also God’s creation have this innate nature of love.

We can see this same love that ferocious animals like the lions and crocodiles which are meat eaters; they would lovingly carry their babies in their mouths and transfer them from one place of safety to another. At all other times, such predators would be very ferocious and dangerous as they would attack and kill another living thing that is nearby.

Seeing all these, we can now understand that God is truly love and His commandment to us is ‘love one another as I have loved you.’

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