Wednesday 14 June 2017

Matt 11: 29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Jesus is speaking to the crowd of common people who are familiar with the everyday life of farmers. He made an invitation for them to shake his yoke. This here is a picture of a yoke being shared by two oxen pulling the plough, the purpose of which was to plough the fields. This means that the oxen were labouring in the fields.

The lesson here is that there are two oxen, one is a mature and strong oxen and the other a younger and weaker oxen. The older oxen is teaching the younger the skills needed for the work and the older oxen is stronger and therefore takes most of the weight.

Jesus is making an allegory of us sharing the task of the work in the kingdom and that He is by our side and is willing to work alongside us. When we do that, Jesus does most of the work and our task will be easy and light.

We acknowledge that by ourselves, we can do very little but when we have the benefit of working alongside Jesus and the Holy Spirit then we become the passenger and they become the driver. The Holy Spirit will lead and see us through whatever difficulties we may encounter and He will make the way straight before us.

In Roms 8: 26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our infirmities; foe we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. This speaks of the difficult times when we are weighted down and do not know what we can do, but the Holy Spirit will help intercede for us with groans and words that are in spiritual languages.

This is a clear example of what God continues to do for us, He knows our weaknesses and He never abandon us but He will support and care for us all the time.

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