Sunday 11 June 2017

Acts 8: 34The Ethiopian asked Philip, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?

We read that at that particular time, a great persecution broke out in Jerusalem after the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7. Many of the believers fled from Jerusalem and Philip was among the group that fled into Samaria where he proclaimed the gospel.

While he was there, the Holy Spirit sent Philip on a special mission to the desert road. In obedience Philip went out there not knowing what to expect. Normally a desert road would be quite deserted and there would hardly be anyone on it. To his surprise, Philip saw an Ethiopian eunuch from the royal Ethiopian court who was trying to read and understand the scriptures from the book of Isaiah.

The Holy Spirit had directed Philip to go to the isolated road in the desert to help a young believer to understand the scriptures. God works in mysterious ways and He led Philip to minister to a young believer. Today we know that the Holy Spirit is our guide and counselor who lead us and teach us all things.

The gospel is always spread by personal testimonies and through the word of mouth. The gospel was spread in the old days through the believers who were driven out of Jerusalem and they traveled far and wide bringing the gospel to every nation and every tribe in the then known world.

Today, God is still sending out his servants to preach the good news of salvation, He is still calling men and women to rise up and go to the uttermost parts of the world to preach the good news.

This week I met a couple, who is working with the Christian organization ‘Youth, with a mission,’ in Thailand. They are there for the last 20 years working among the non believers and they have brought many souls to the Lord.

Today the Christian world owes their salvation to the efforts of Christian evangelists who came from the western countries bearing the good news. Now it’s our turn to bring the gospel to others who are unsaved in the world. We need to pay this gospel debt for our salvation, as others have saved us, we now need to save others in turn.

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