Wednesday 7 June 2017

Hebs 8: 12

I will remember their sins no more.

This book of Hebrews was written to the group of Jewish believers as earlier in this chapter, the writer relates the past promises of God to the nation of Israel and the law which were given through Moses.

The write said that this was the old covenant which required sacrifices and rituals, now God has brought in the New Covenant which was instituted through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, on the cross. The writer explains that the past sacrifices were inadequate to remove the sins of the people.

Therefore God had to bring into operation His perfect plan of making the perfect sacrifice which is to offer His Son who is without sin. This was the supreme sacrifice which satisfied all the requirements of God and then after there was no further need to make anymore sacrifices.

The writer of Hebrews tell us that God now puts the scriptures into our hearts and minds which will through the power of the Holy spirit guide and lead us in our walk with him and as we do that God will delight in our allegiance and obedience and he will remember our sins no more.

This is our blessing and privilege that we can constantly come before the Lord and seek His mercy and grace asking for His forgiveness for every sin that we commit both knowingly or unknowingly. There are many times in our lives that we are careless and fall into sin. All these must be repented and God will hear our prayers and will surely forgives us as His word has said so.

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