Thursday 1 June 2017

2 Peter 1: 3

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

The apostle Peter in writing this second letter to the church reminds them that they are the elect who have been chosen by God. He reminded them that they were privileged to have been called by Jesus Christ whilst he was with them and when He had shared the gospel with them. They are in fact the first fruit of the Gospel of Salvation. They were the elect few called by God.

Paul also wrote along the same direction in Titus 1: 1….I encourage God’s own people to have more faith and to understand the truth about religion. This calling and salvation had been effected through the Holy Spirit who had come alongside us and convicted us of our sins. Upon receiving the saving grace of Jesus Christ we have also been given the gift of faith which is scarce and uncommon among the non-believers.

Jesus also taught on this special privileged position for those who have been saved. In Matt 22: 14 Jesus said; ‘Many are invited but few are chosen.’ Faith is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. The message of salvation cannot be easily digested, it is only by faith that we came receive the gospel and become children of God.

Once having been saved, we are required to build up our faith and to grow mature spiritually through the study of scriptures and also personal interaction with God. It is written in Isaiah 55: 1 ‘If you are thirsty, come and drink water. If you don’t have any money, come, eat what you want! Drink wine and milk without paying a cent.’

This verse tells us that when we lack wisdom, we must seek for it. For wisdom is from God and it is given freely!

God is telling us that we must take in the spiritual milk as well as spiritual food when we are young but as we grow, we musts turn to spiritual meat. If we do not grow as a spiritual baby into adulthood, then we are a moron. Every child of God must grow and the only way to do so is to nurture ourselves through taking spiritual milk and spiritual food.

Just as we need different types of food as nutrition, therefore we need to be involved with not only the study of the word but we also need fellowship and interaction with God. Only when we do this will we be able to draw near to Him and to grow in our spiritual stature. Furthermore, if we want to be able to bear mush fruit and be productive for Him in ministry, then we need to been constantly involved in the ministry.

Only then can we yield the sword of the Spirit well and also to become teachers to others as we grow into spiritual maturity.

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