Tuesday 6 June 2017

Romans 8: 11
He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

As we grow older we begin to realise that our life span is but short. The bible tells us that on average the life span of men today is around 70 yrs old. Many of us are already there or maybe getting there very soon. The sad thing is that many others do not enjoy this blessing of good health and long life.

Yesterday I saw on the Facebook a posting for a friend of ours who is a midwife and in a month’s time she would be celebrating her 100th birthday. This is indeed a godly blessing and a marvel in today’s society. She is also a  believer of Jesus Christ and she is an example of what Paul wrote in Roms 8: 2 “the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

We are not saying that this will set us completely free from natural death but if we are godly and holy, then we will be able to enjoy divine health and a long and healthy life on earth before we get to heaven.

Further down in verse 6 Paul wrote; “The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” This also confirmed that when we live righteous for God, our mind and our soul will have life and peace. We will not be fearful or stressed out every day, instead we will enjoy the peace of God and His blessing everyday of our lives.

The Holy Spirit who dwells within us will grant us both godly physical life as well as spiritual life. Let us ask from God the promise that He has made to us that our lives 

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