Wednesday 28 June 2017

Roms 7: 24-25
Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

In this chapter, Paul describes the struggle of all men as they strive against sin. This is not peculiar to just only Paul, but it is universal, all men know that their conscience will prick them not to do evil but in the end they will end up doing it. The result would be a feeling of remorse and a disturbed conscience.

The Holy Spirit in us prompts us that we need to avoid the evil path and deeds that the enemy will throw at us. In our wisdom and conscience, we know that it goes against the commandment of God and that by doing so, we would fall into sin. Though this is a clear in us but our carnal mind and the desires of the flesh is weak.

In fact on a daily basis, we are challenged by such temptations from the enemy, it may be just little things not amounting to something big or serious, and nevertheless such temptations will cause us to trip and fall. There are many trivial temptations that we face, perhaps to take a small item that belongs to others, or maybe to pluck our neighbour’s fruits, etc.

On a more serious side we do see on the internet how many people are going around committing sins of theft and robbery. These are not committed by men only but also by women and young girls. Even young children are taught to commit such crime by their seniors. This is the carnal nature of men, greed and dishonesty and until and unless they are secure in their commitment to God, they would not be able to overcome these in their flesh.

Even Paul confessed that he too commits many sins of the flesh and he too still struggles with the desires of the carnal man. The only remedy for overcoming this carnal nature of our sinful man is to draw near to Jesus Christ and be filled with His words, only then can we have the strength to overcome the desires of the flesh. 

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