Friday 30 June 2017

1 Peter 2: 1

Rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.

Peter who was the chief apostle writes to all believers that we must get rid of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind. All these are the negative traits of the sinful man. Peter knew the evil of such sinful habits as we have seen that even while he was going through his discipleship training with Jesus Christ, he was still very much controlled by the sinful habits of the flesh.

At the Garden of Eden when the roman soldiers and the temple officials came to arrest Jesus, he lost his temper and took out his sword and cut off the ear of the soldier nearest to him. Then later in the night he was full of fear and he denied Jesus three times. These were not the acts of a man of faith or a righteous man but after the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Peter was truly transformed and became a bold witness for Jesus Christ.

He was also strengthened and changed by the Holy Spirit from a sinner and a coward to become the chief apostle. His life was fully transformed and energised and he became a true man of God who is holy and righteous. In this letter he wrote in his full conviction of the love of Jesus and appealed to the Church that we must all be transformed and changed as he and his fellow apostles were changed.

God is showing to all of the believers that what he can do in the early believers, He can also do with us today. The letters of the apostles are meant to be a guide and manual for all believers throughout all ages to walk righteous in Jesus Christ. We are to put our house in order which also mean to put our lives in order.

Peter tells us that all manners of evil traits must be removed and dealt with in our lives. We need to clean up our lives and be holy unto God for God is a holy God and His children must be holy.

His words says, ‘Be holy and I am holy.’ As our heavenly Father is holy, we his children must also be holy. 

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