Saturday 24 June 2017

John 13: 5
Jesus poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet.

In this episode where Jesus set the example as a servant leader and humbled himself to wash the feet of the disciples, He had set for us an example to follow and never to consider ourselves higher than others. This lesson is essential and important for leaders as well as all other workers that they must always remain humble and never to consider that they are higher than others and are in a position to lord it over others.

Learning from the early disciples, they lived with Jesus and they applied what they saw Jesus did. That was the best tutor that anyone can have. They lived and learned hands on from their master.

This has also been the method that other cultures and discipline have adopted. Whether it is the apprentice in the car mechanic trade or electrical trade or even in the universities, the apprentices all learn hands on from their masters so that they will see and imitate. It is only through hands on practices that the apprentices can in tuen become a master craft man in the future.

In Jesus, He did the same and ensure that what He wanted the disciples to be like, He demonstrated and taught. This way they learned well and in turn also imparted what they have learned to others.

This is still relevant in the present day churches, we need to learn from that the apostles have written so that through the scriptures we too can be perfected in order to serve God effectively.

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