Monday 26 June 2017

Deut 6: 6-7

These commandments that I give to you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.

The word of God is as a light to our feet, it will continue to remind us as to the teaching and the direction that scripture teach us. As such as we grow daily, we must continue to study, memorize and apply the word of scriptures that would guide our lives.

Bible study and memory verses have been the command of God, the power that is in the word of God in Heb_4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The word therefore pierces our conscience, stirs our heart, encourages our spirit and guides our thoughts and decisions. To be able to fall back on the word and to draw upon the power of it we need to be able to remember the word and be able to recall the word.

Eph 6:17 tells us …the sword of the spirit is the word of God. This means that the word of scripture is a spiritual weapon which we can use in warfare. Jesus showed us the example by quoting scriptures and using it against the devil when He was tempted. If Jesus had to use the word as a weapon, then it tells us clearly that we too need to yield the word as a weapon against the powers of darkness.

It is a fact that in spiritual warfare and in healing ministry, we can invoke great spiritual power when we stand on the word of scriptures. This is because our enemy, Satan also knows the scriptures very well and he has to obey the scriptures when we use it as a weapon. Just as Jesus did when He quoted the scriptures and used it to nullify the powers of Satan.

As Moses reminded the children of Israel in the book of Deuteronomy to ensure that everyone must know the scriptures and remember them well. We are also to teach it to our children from a young age so that the word of scriptures will guide and lead them throughout their lives.

This is why Moses commanded that we are to impress them on your children. We can start young by telling our children bible stories and teaching them short scriptural verses.

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