Wednesday 21 June 2017

Provs 20: 7
The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them.

King Solomon when he wrote this proverb was teaching his children the value of godly lives and relationship with God and men. He reminded them that as the children of God, we must lead blameless lives and as we do so, then we would be blessed and also our future generations will also be blessed.

This brings us to memory the promised of God in Deut 7:9  Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. This is God’s promise to us His children, if we are blameless and obedient to Him and His laws, then He will bless our families for a thousand generations. This means forever.

This is the reason that King Solomon reminds his children and also all believers that the blessing for our future generations depends very much on our righteous lifestyle. God’s promise is that He will punish those who sin against him down to the third and fourth generations. He will judge the sins of the forefathers down to the third and fourth generations.

On the opposite, His promise is that when we are faithful to Him and live righteously before Him, then He will surely bless our posterity forever. We have seen this in real lives, the families that have godly forefathers have received blessings in their families where the descendants have been blessed so much in that the descendants have become successful.

Many of the early pilgrims who have migrated to new lands as pioneers have seen that their present generations are all greatly blessed and successful in their lives. In contrast the people who rejected God and lived sinful lifestyle have their generations in deeper troubles and are generally less successful and are under privileged.

God’s plans are for the blessings of His children, though it is so, we can fall out from His plans if we chose to walk in rebellion to Him and in sin.
Therefore let us choose from this day to be obedient to God and to serve Him well so that out future generations would be all blessed in Him.

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