Sunday 1 October 2017

Daily Devotions 28th Sept 2017

Roms 8: 26

The Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

This is in reference to our prayer language that the Holy Spirit grants to us. When we are tired and our mind is unable to think clearly, our spirit is even sleepy, but we have the need to pray and intercede. When we are so weak then we become dependent on the Holy Spirit to pray through us and for us.

The Holy Spirit knows the needs that we are praying for, when we offer our lips to Him to take over and to pray in tongues; He will take utter sounds or prayers in the spiritual language which would be unintelligible to our human mind. It may just sound like groans that come from deep within our inner being. This would be the Spirit who is interceding for us on our behalf.

In the understanding of the mind, we are temporary too tired to think but this would not stop our prayers as we can switch over and hand our needs to the Holy Spirit. This is what Paul says in today’s scripture. The Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Praying in the Spirit is a gift that the Holy Spirit has given to all believers and as a gift, the believers can choose to accept it or not. Those who do can testify to the many blessing that the Holy Spirit has granted to us. If the Holy Spirit has made all these available to us, then we must never reject them but to thank Him for it and to gladly receive and operate in them.

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