Friday 24 March 2017

1 Chron 16: 11Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.

We are reminded that we must continue to look to God and to seek His face, this means that as David said we need to praise God’s character and continue to share his faithfulness. This is what the passage of 1 Chron 16 encourages.

We must lift our voices in praise and talk to God as little children talk to their parents. This is the way to have bonding with the two. Through communication we get to know each other better, this is the same with friends and associates we become more trusting and enduring in our relationship as we talk more and get to know each other more.

Once we know each other, we know the limitations and the boundaries of our relationship. We would k now then not to trespass these boundaries that would cause hurt and even broken relationship.

Similarly, David as he writes this passage that commemorates the return of the ark called on the people to seek the face of God always. This was a normal practice for David; he knew the way to God’s heart was in communicating with God. He had enjoyed this relationship all his life and therefore he could boldly call on the people to emulate him and do the same.

This is our privilege as children of God, let us draw near to the Father and to seek His face through constant worship.

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