Friday 31 March 2017

Matt 6: 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.

I have read from the testimony of a Korean Pastor who had died and then went to heaven where the Lord showed him all the structures that are in heaven. He saw some magnificent buildings which are very tall and big and he saw some like a tool shed and the Lord told him that these belong to the pastors who had served Jesus while they lived.

What the Korean pastor was told was a great shock for him. According to his testimony, Jesus told him that the big and tall buildings belong to those pastors who had given everything for the ministry. They had not been getting paid and they had sacrificed for the sake of the gospel. They had lived on earth as poor pastors with no earthly assets.

They could not even buy their wife a decent dress or taken her to a fine dining dinner. They laid down their lives for the gospel and made great sacrifices for the gospel. Personally I meet a couple who went intot he interior of a third world country and they served the village people without any salary. They even had to make small cakes to sell to the villages just to get a few dollars to buy basic necessities.

These are that one who have laboured sacrificially on earth and when they get to heaven they were rewarded with huge mansions. What they have missed on earth, God had rewarded them in heaven.

On the other hand, Jesus told the Korean pastor that some of the big time evangelists who are greedy for money and had built palaces for themselves and have private planes, big cars and large office staff, when they get to heaven they inherited only the buildings that are like tool sheds. Jesus explained that these had fame, popularity, immense wealth, many servants etc while they are on earth. They had already received and enjoyed all that they wanted. Therefore they had forfeited all these when they get to heaven.

Then there were other houses that were incomplete, Jesus told the Korean pastor that these belong to people who have not send up the  building materials to heaven. The building materials are good deeds done to the poor and needy, study of the scriptures, prayers and giving of tithes and offerings.
All these are revealed by a Korean pastor who had been to heaven and back and who had met Jesus personally. I do believe that he had told the truth especially when he too wants to get to heaven when he dies. He has come back by the grace of God to tell us about it.

We are given this opportunity to do something about storing our treasures in heaven, Jesus had told use the first part and the Korean pastor has now told us the second part. We must be serious and do our best to store up our treasures in heaven.

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