Thursday 23 March 2017

Isaiah 66: 13As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.

As man goes through life on this earth there will be times of rejoicing as well as times of challenges and sorrow. These two emotions are common among all men irrespective of whether we are rich or poor, or we live in posh luxury or in extreme poverty. There is no difference in the exposure to such feelings and there is no pre-set time or program when these may occur.

From the time of birth till the time the man dies, these are the emotions that accompany him daily, he may be happy one moment and then he can fall into sorrow the next. There was an incident in a war torn region where a wedding party was held, the family members were celebrating and the girls were dancing and the children were playing.

The atmosphere was one of great joy and rejoicing and without warning an attack came where missiles where dropped on the wedding party. One moment ago, it was a happy and joyful celebration and the next the whole situation turned into fear and commotion. The laughter and shouts were turned into cries and tears.

This is how fragile life can be; we can never know what would happen and what can happen. This is where Isaiah says, God sees all the circumstances and situations that surround us. He knows when we are in sorrow and sadness and He is quick to come to our comfort just as a mother would come running to comfort her child who is hurt.

This is the love of God which He had also transferred to us as humans, we have inherited His loving nature and we can feel as He feels, love as He loves and have compassion as He has.

No matter what we see or encounter around us, He is omniscience and He knows all the circumstances that are overbearing upon us. Even before we call out to Him, He is already responding and releasing His care and comfort to us. 

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