Tuesday 21 March 2017

Hosea 6:3
He will come to us like the … spring rain that waters the earth.

I tend the small plot of garden in front of our home and as I water the plants twice a day through spring and summer, the flower bed became healthy and fruitful. The blooms burst out in a display of beautiful flowers. As for the plants, the green leaves were lush and cover the whole garden.

However when I went away for a short time and the garden lacked attention and watering, the plants withered and became weak but when I resumed the tender care for it, all the plants revived and rejuvenated.

This is so refreshing, it is the same with fellow shipping with our God, as we worship Him on a daily basis and as we draw close to Him in prayer and studying of His word, then we are refreshed and we will be spiritually health. Many may be physically healthy but when we don’t draw near to God and drink from the spiritual spring then our spiritual life would be dry.

This is how Hosea expressed the spiritual dryness in our lives, the further we are away from the source of spiritual water, the more parched we will be and we will also wither in our spiritual lives just like the plants. We need to constantly and daily drink from His well.

In turn God is faithful and He will give us His grace as we draw near to Him and meditate upon His word. Let us remain constant and faithful to maintaining our relationship with our God.

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