Wednesday 15 March 2017

Isaiah 40: 12Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weight the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance.

Isaiah is speaking about the greatness of the awesome Creator who made all things and who is able to do all things. What is man and how can he compare with God? It is indeed foolish for man to think that he can do all things and he does not need God.

Isaiah asked who can measure the waters of the earth in the hollow of his hands. Who can spread out the heavens and measure the length and breadth and the heights of the heavens. Who can understand and measure the dust on the earth. How much dust is there on the face of the earth?

Where does dust come from and where does it go? Look at the desert storms that move such a great amount of dust over vast stretches of land. Where does it come from and where does it go, no one know.

Then Isaiah said who can measure the weight of the mountains and the hills? There is no one on earth who can understand and do all that, but yet there are foolish men who boast that they are able to do all things on their own. They profess in great pride that they are in control of their lives and all things that they do.

Such are foolish men; they are so infinite and in the eyes of God are smaller than the smallest speck of dust and are so helpless when faced with the forces of nature which are the creation of God.

Who can control the wind and the storm? There is no man who can do it except Jesus Christ who is also God.

Isaiah is reminding all men how finite and powerless we are, we can be easily destroyed for men are so fragile, they can be squashed and destroyed just like grass. That is what the scriptures tell us, all men are so fragile and without the mercy and protection of God, we would have perished so easily.
Therefore Isaiah is drawing our attention to the need to humble ourselves and submit to the power of God and His wisdom, only then can we survive and continue in His grace and mercy.

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