Wednesday 15 March 2017

2 Tim 1: 5I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice.

I read an article on grandparents today and the impact they have on the grandchildren. It is a universal fact that grandparents adore their grandchildren and they leave a special impact on the lives of the grandchildren. The kind of love and dedication of grandparents for the grandchildren is totally different from that of parents to children.

The love of the grandparents is more sacrificial and has greater impact on the minds of grandchildren. The grandparents are more likely to release the perfect love of the heavenly Father to be upon the grandchildren. This is why the moulding and building of the children’s character and value system is conditioned to the influence of the grandparents.

When the grandparents are godly, they will impart on their grandchildren the same godly values and the love of God. In the case of Timothy, Paul commends him on his good and godly upbringing by his grandmother who was a God fearing woman. With the impartation of the grandmother in his young age, Timothy has grown into a godly young man.

This was widely seen and recognized by all in the community and Paul gave it special mention in praise. It is important when we bring up children and grandchildren that we must impart godly values into their lives and to teach them all about the scriptures from their baby days.

We are also reminded that when we bring up a child in the ways of God, then we will have a successful and godly person in their latter years.

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