Wednesday 1 March 2017

Roms 12: 1Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God --- this is your true and proper worship.

Paul in making this statement was pointing to the sacrifice that Jesus made for the world. He came and offered His own body to be the perfect sacrifice that would take away the sins of all people. At that hour when he took all the sins and sicknesses and diseases of mankind upon His body, the fellowship of the Father and the Holy Spirit was temporary severed from Jesus.

All the horrible sicknesses of the world was manifested on His body for a moment and while He bore them, God turned the day into darkness as the body of Jesus Christ was too unsightly to behold. At the same time, the veil within the temple was torn from top to bottom signifying that the supreme sacrifice had been made and accepted by God and now the tradition of making sin sacrifices has been abolished once and for all.

Now God had made a way for all men to come before Him and to seek His mercy and forgiveness. There is no more need for a high priest to make sacrifices for us. Jesus the Great High Priest has performed that sacrifice which has been accepted by the Father.

Now we can come on our own to seek God’s face personally. And when we do that, Paul now reminds us that as we do that, first we must ‘Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God --- this is your true and proper worship’

Jesus cannot offer His body for us anymore, now we must do it for ourselves but we do not need to sacrifice our lives to seek forgiveness from God. All that we need to do is to live a holy life and then come before Him in holiness that is pleasing to God. He wants us to live holy and righteously so that we will be pleasing and acceptable to Him.

When we come before God in holiness, then He will accept our worship and will bless us in turn. God had already completed His perfect plan to bless the world, He made that perfect sacrifice through His Son, now it has become so easy for us to come before Him and be blessed.

If God has done His part, it is now up to us to do ours. Let us obey the scriptures and live holy and righteous lives as a living sacrifice to God.

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