Friday 31 March 2017

Roms 12: 1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice

Paul who had personally undergone a life transformation experience after his encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ knew the importance to live a new life that is holy, godly and pure in every way.

Before he was transformed by Jesus Christ, Paul had malice in his heart, pride, anger, violence and evil. He was the most notorious zealot at that time. He would be roaming all over the nation of Israel searching for Christians to be arrested, then tortured and even put to death. Anyone who saw Paul would see a fiery man that was unapproachable because all that he had was evil and malicious intentions.

However, when he met Jesus, all the hardness of heart, evil and angry thoughts and intentions were removed. It was an instantaneous transformation after having received that supernatural touch from Jesus. He repented of all his past, his heart is filled with remorse and repentance, in fact he confessed that he was the worse sinner of all.

Paul became a humble man, willing to submit to the teaching and counsel of other senior apostles and believers. Because he was a special instrument chosen by Jesus Christ to be used to reach the gentiles, the Holy Spirit did a complete overhaul in Paul’s life and he became a new person. Holiness and godliness is now in his life. He is now filled with the anointing and his life was filled to overflow with holiness.

Because he has personally experienced this transformation and he knew that it is possible to be so, therefore Paul now appealed to all believers to follow his life and be similarly transformed and be renewed.

Paul further said in Gal 2: 20 I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. By this Paul is saying that his carnal life of the past is no longer in control but now it is Christ who lives in him through the Holy Spirit and he is totally submitted to God in all things.

We too can be like Paul and should surrender all to Jesus and let Him lead and rule our lives as Paul and the other apostles did.   

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