Tuesday 28 March 2017

Psalm 23: 5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

David here declares the anointing that God has given to him. When he became King, the high priest anointed David by pouring out the anointing oil from the anointing horn onto his head. It overflowed down onto his garments as the anointing took place.

In the spiritual aspect, God has given us the anointing of the Holy spirit which grants us the gifts of the holy spirit as well as the empowering to operate in miracles and signs and wonders. This anointing which has been given can be seeked continuously as we come before the Lord each day.

As we worship God in the Spirit daily and as we pray for long hours in the Spirit, we will be communicating with God through our prayers in exchange for the continued anointing from the Holy Spirit. This is the key towards receiving the empowering from the Holy Spirit. This is what all the early apostles were taught and they received and utilized this gift continuously throughout their lives until they returned home in heaven.

This same Holy Spirit is also now with us, and to remain in a continuous overflow of this anointing all that we need to do is not to forsake our time of praying in the Spirit. This is not an option but it must be our daily practice to communicate with God and to receive the anointing.

Without us seeing and knowing how this happens, we will only experience it when we begin to move in ministry and then we will see the operation of the empowering of the Holy Spirit will manifest. The more we pray in the spirit, the more the anointing will overflow, this is sweeter than honey and we must seek for it fervently and continuously. 

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