Monday 13 March 2017

Daily Devotions 13th March 2017

Matt 25: 40
The King will say, “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me”.

The teaching of Jesus Christ emphasizes on relationship living first with God and secondly with men. There are two bars of the cross, one the vertical which is longer and which give stability and strength to stand, this represents that we must first establish our stand and relationship with God so that our lives will be firm and strong.

Secondly is the cross beam which is shorter and provides balance. This represents our relationship with the world and with one another. We need to maintain a balance in our lives as far as our relationship in the world and with our brethren is concerned. Perfect balance also speaks of giving support.

Jesus in this verse elaborates that to be able to maintain this relationship with the Father God, then we need to maintain a strong relationship with one another. Jesus said that when we reach out in love and charity, whatever good that we do to another person who is less fortunate, then God sees it and receive it as a service that is done for Him as well.

This is also demonstrated in the life of Abraham when he unknowingly extended his hospitality to three strangers who came and visited him, it was in fact the Trinity who came down and visited him. With this as an example, it encourage us that surely as we do good to those who are less fortunate, we will be seen and recognized by God.  

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