Monday 20 March 2017

Mark 6: 31Jesus said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.

We see that Jesus who was also man while he was with the disciples knew the need to rest His body which He did each night after a long day of ministry. Jesus himself routinely withdraw to a quiet place where he would pray to God and ask for a refilling of the anointing as well as seeking for directions from the Father.

Here Jesus is asking the disciples who have been ministering to follow Him and to seek a quiet place where they can get some rest. This is a clear lesson that it is wisdom that every minister of God must also set apart time for rest. We see how so many ministers suffer burn out because they forget to rest.

These ministers think that they must do the work of God 24/7. The truth is the work will never be finished and we must not push ourselves to work 24/7 neglecting family and personal health. That is why so many ministers’ family suffer broken relationship problems and they also suffer depressions. They must allocate time for rest for themselves and their family.

This principle was also practised by the saints of old. Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David and all the prophets too always set apart time where they can get away from the crowd and be alone with God and to pray and seek His refreshing again. This is why God has given the commandment that we are to work six days and rest on the seventh.

God rested too after the work of creation for six days and rested on the seventh. The command is that we must observe the Sabbath which is also a day of rest. God already knew the human body which He created needs rest and He also knows that men are foolish not to rest and he made it into a law for men to follow. But men have continued to break this law at the cost of their own health.

Therefore let us remember that without us, the ministry can still continue on. We are not indispensable therefore get your rest.

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