Monday 13 March 2017

Psalm 139: 23Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

David once again demonstrates his humility towards God, by now he would have been King of Israel for many years and he would have accomplished many great exploits. We also know that he had accumulated much wealth and he wanted to build God a magnificent temple but God told him that He would not want him to do so because he was a man of war.

Instead God told David that he was to provide for all the money and materials and then his son Solomon would be the one to build the temple. David never became a proud man though he was a successful king and much respected. He remained lowly in heart and daily committed his life to God and continued to communicate with Him.

Just as all the mighty men of old spent all their time in worshiping God and communing with Him, everyone attained a close and intimate relationship with God. They were greatly blessed and used by God. This is not just to the mighty men of old, today we too see many ministers of God who are walking closely with God and being mightily used by Him.

Today, we too can have and develop this relationship with God, we can draw near to Him as David did, talk and worship Him as David did and we too will become as David was with God. There is a price to be paid and that is we need to remain in great humility in our lives, no matter what we may become or how rich or powerful we may become.

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