Monday 27 March 2017

Psalm 1: 3

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season.

I have some fruit trees in my yard and I am tending them tenderly watering and fertilizing them regularly. In return they have been responsive and are bearing much fruit at this time. Similarly I have also a flower garden which is still in full bloom and the garden is a display of colours and beautiful petals.

All these are a result of sufficient care, watering and fertilizing. As it is in the nurturing of our garden or orchard, it is the same in the family of God. When there is tender loving care given to the family where the children and adults are well fed with good nourishment, we will see healthy individuals and productive individuals.

In the spiritual lives that we live, David wrote in psalm 1; ‘the person whose delight is in the law of the Lord like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season.’ David is saying that it is a necessity for the child of God to take in the spiritual food of the scriptures that will nourish the spirit man and in turn build him up.

It is only when the spirit man is matured that he in turn will be fruitful in his life. The fruit of the spirit as Paul has taught are ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness.’ Young people are generally less stable and are very proactive. They would tend to be impatient, easily angered and retaliatory in their nature.

However, as the child of God grows in maturity, he will become more tolerant, patience, forgiving, humble and kind. These are the fruit of the spirit of a matured character. The saints of old are teaching and reminding us that or God is seeking for people who are matured and full of the fruit of the spirit. For this God is helping us by giving us the Holy Spirit who is teaching and guiding us in our daily Christian walk.

As such let us determine to grow spiritually and become maturing and productive in our lives and ministries. Let us be filled with the Spirit and be overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit.

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