Friday 10 March 2017

Eph 2: 19
You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people.

In this jet age, many of our young people and some who are not so young often choose to migrate over to greener pastures in foreign lands. This can be for economic reasons like the young professionals who are seeking better job opportunities, working conditions, family etc.

Having done so they will soon settle in and be assimilated into the society as either PR or citizens. Anyway they will begin to enjoy the country and all the privileges as citizens of the new country.

This is what Paul is telling us, we as believers have also become full citizens with other believers in the Kingdom of Heaven. Scriptures also tell us that now we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ and we are now princes and princesses in the Kingdom of God. We now can enjoy every rights as citizen of heaven.

Therefore we are no longer strangers to the kingdom in heaven, and as citizens we are entitled to full rights and privileges which we can start enjoying. We are now part of God’s global family and we should look after and care for each other as such.

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