Sunday 5 March 2017

Daily Devotions 5th March 2017

Heb 13: 2

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers.

The writer here reminds us that we are to show hospitality to strangers. This could be in reference to the instance when Abraham and Sarah showed hospitality to two strangers who turned out to be angels sent by God. Maybe this may not be the case with the present society especially after the way that the devil has corrupted the world with sin and evil.

It would be a matter of great foolishness to do so. In the present times, the devil has been sending through his agents, terrorists of destruction to all countries world-wide. They come disguised as refugees but in truth they are demonic terrorists. Trusting countries have opened their doors to these and have opened their homes to these terrorists.

In return for the hospitality and love, these terrorists have gone on the rampage of rape and sexual assault to the girls and women in the homes of their hosts. They have done all sorts of evil things to their hosts and their host country. This again is part of the global end time plan of Satan. He is sending his agents world-wide to colonize the nations into Antichrist nations.

The agents of Satan now are holding captives the host nations and forcing them to implement their Antichrist religion and religious laws.

Having said that, the word of God is still true except that we need to be wise as serpents and gentle as dove when we reach out with our love and hospitality.

In the rural regions in the third world countries where I have visited on my mission trips, this kind of hospitality is still widely practiced. In some of the tribal regions, their homes are built with a veranda where travelers can stop over on their journey and seek a temporary stay of a night or a little longer.

The host would offer food and lodging for the guests tough they may be strangers. There is no charge for whatever is given out in love to the travellers. I have enjoyed this same hospitality in many countries that I have been to. They will bring out their best food that they have and would never be stingy on the amount served.

This was the culture of hospitality that God had initiated in the beginning and it was inbuilt into every culture from the beginning of time.
Sadly as I have mentioned earlier, it is the devil’s plan to destroy God’s plan for all men. Love and hospitality originates from God and when we get to heaven, we will see this. However while we are still on earth then it is up to us to exercise this love and hospitality wisely and lovingly as it is the will and plan of God.  

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