Sunday 5 March 2017

Daily Devotions 6th March 2017

1 Cor 13: 7-8Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails.

The news over the last few days reported on a woman who had recently come out of prison for over a month. She was serving time for drug addiction and some other offences and when she came home, she took her two sons to the river and wanted to murder both of them.

She got the younger 5 year old boy into the river where he drowned. The older 7 year old boy screamed and fought his way until help came, the boy was rescued and managed to cheat death.

What happened here when a natural mother should have all the love for her young? This is contrary to what God is. He is love and He has input this love into all living creatures in the world. Even the birds love their young, the most poisonous snakes love their young, the most ferocious wild cats love their young and even man eaters like the crocodiles love their young.

What really happened here? Again we see the battle between God and Satan. The family is planned and build by God. In the beginning God said that it is not good for man to be alone and He made a woman for him so that they could have a family and live a blessed life together.

God’s plan was for fellowship with man and when He was not around, He wanted the man and the women to have fellowship with each other. Then God commanded them to start a family and to love the family. This was the original plan of God which also went down to all living life forms.

It is always the joy of parents and grandparents when little children are born. There is that love that the new born brings to the home. All through the growing years there is also that joy.

However when the child grow into the teenage years, relationship problems begin to surface and relationship between parents and children begin to have cracks. This is when the teenager begins to have contacts and friends outside the homes and when they become influenced but others non-Christians who are controlled by the devil.

We see many of these in the city as they live very decadent lives with immoral practices and drug cultures. In the developed societies where immorality like homosexual activities is a norm and openly practised, society embraces and accepts them. However these are against the holiness and laws of God.

This type of cultures are satanic and totally against God’s moral standards and law. In fact these were also the practices that Satan got the early civilizations to be enslaved. Through the world, Satan had turned men and women away from God with all the temptations of the flesh and evil deeds that he has put into the minds of depraved people.

Both men and women are under severe bondage of the devil and they cannot come out of this vicious bondage. It is a bad taste to the mouth when we see such activities around us being practiced openly and rampantly. This tells us that the devil is winning in the war for souls and they are falling fast into the pits of Hell.

God’s salvation works with love for His words say; “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believe in Him shall have everlasting life.”

The everlasting life is not what Satan wants; instead he wants all men to fall into the pits of everlasting torment with him in hell. The only way to combat and overturn his plans is to have love and forgiveness.

That is why Paul had written this chapter on love that all Christians must have so that we can use love as the weapon to overcome the works of Satan.

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