Friday 24 March 2017

1 Chron 17: 23-24Do as you promised, so that it will be established and that your name will be great forever.

David by now had become rich and famous and he wanted to build a temple for God but God told him that it would not be him but his son Solomon who would build the temple. God explained that David was a warrior who had killed many and therefore God did not want him to build the temple.

Instead, God told David to provide for and help his son Solomon to build it. David did not sulk or rebel against the decision of God; instead he started to make all the preparations to come up with plans, articles, man power and artisans who could do the building work. He accumulated all the building materials, brought in cedar wood from Lebanon and all the other materials including precious metal and other ornaments that would be used in the building.

In the end, a majestic temple was build and it was called the temple of Solomon and not David.

What can we learn from this? God has a calling and purpose for each of us, what God has for us we should do well and after that we cannot overstay as it would hinder the purpose of God.

We may have the calling and anointing to do a certain work for a season and when it is done, God can move us on and let others take over. This is God’s prerogative, no ministry belong to us, we are only loaned the ministry for a season and we should not hold tight and refuse to let others take over. As we study the lives and ministries of great men of God, they all had their calling and season.

Moses accomplished what he was anointed to do which was to take the Israelite out of Egypt and he handed over his mission to Joshua to be completed. Elijah also handed his ministry to Elisha who did double that which Elijah did.

Jesus also handed over his ministry to the apostles who also multiplied on the spreading of the Gospel. This had always been the pattern of how God works.  Till this day God has not changed this pattern, there is always the teacher and the disciples and through this process the disciples will grow and mature into future teachers.

In today’s text God promised David that if he do what he has promised God then God will make his name great. Again this is the same today, when we do the work of God and we are faithful and dedicated and bring much fruit into the ministry, then God will make our name great and be remembered forever.

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