Monday 13 March 2017

Psalm 86: 7When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me.

King David was a man who is most familiar with God as well as with danger. Throughout his life starting from being a shepherd boy he had faced grave danger from the wild beasts in the wilderness. In such conditions David cried out to God for help and he was always delivered by God.

As he grew and moved on into the army life under King Saul, he had to fight many battles and later on when King Saul became jealous of him, David was pursued by the king’s soldiers and David had to flee for his life. He was constantly pursued and he had many near death encounters. But each time he called out to God and He answered him.

Being a warrior, David also faced many dangers in battle and it was his habit to seek God’s help whenever he faced dangers. Therefore David was most qualified to declare the faithfulness of God and his assurance that God will never fail him because that was his experience throughout his life.

The psalms that David wrote were meant to encourage us and also to guide us in our relationship with God. Our Christian life is a life of experiences and challenges. Every day we will face with different challenges but every day we can continue to call to our God just as David did.

Therefore we need to build our relationship with God so that we can then be in the right standing as David that when we call to God, we would be confident that He will surely hear and answer us.

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